Sandbox Terminal Testing Tools
Building your Merchant Electronic Cash Register Plugin? If you have requested and currently using a Maya Demo Terminal, use the Test Cards and Sandbox Maya Account, to test Sandbox Terminal transactions.
This is for Sandbox Demo Terminal Testing Only. The test data will not work on production / live Maya Terminals.
If you wish to test live transactions in Production, no test cards will be provided. You will need to use real cards and e-wallet accounts. Transactions performed will incur real charges.
Test Cards
Test card payments on the Sandbox Demo terminals by using the following Card Testing Applications:
These are 3rd party applications owned and developed by respective card schemes. Issues encountered on these applications should be coordinated with the application provider.
Sandbox Maya Account
To test QR payments via the Maya app, you will need to download a Sandbox Maya application. Reach out and email your designated Maya Relationship Manager and provide the following:
- Merchant Name
- Merchant ID
- Name and email address of Tester/s - The link to the Maya app download will be sent to the provided emails.
- (OPTIONAL) Mobile numbers to be whitelisted - If provided, a Sandbox Maya account will be created; else you may use the public Maya E-wallet Test Account
Updated over 1 year ago