Fraud Protection

Fight against fraud and make your business grow

Protect yourself and your customers against fraud with the accredited Maya partner and leverage its benefits.

Get Started

Step 1: Enable Fraud Protection

Enabling Fraud Protection can be done during onboarding or even for your existing merchant setup in Maya. Discuss this with your Relationship Manager and request to enable Fraud Protection now.

Step 2: Populate required fields in your API requests

When creating payments using Maya’s payment solutions, like Checkout and Vault, make sure to provide the required customer details and populate the buyer object on the request.
Below are the minimum required details in Kount Buyer object when Fraud Protection is enabled:

buyer.firstNamestring REQUIRED
First name of the payer/buyer.
buyer.lastNamestring REQUIRED
Last name of the payer/buyer. REQUIRED
Contact e-mail address.
buyer.billingAddressObject CONDITIONAL
buyer.billingAddress.countryCodestring REQUIRED
Two-letter ISO 3166-2 country code

ℹ️ If buyer.billingAddress is set, the countryCode sub-field will be required.

buyer.shippingAddressObject CONDITIONAL
buyer.shippingAddress.countryCodestring REQUIRED
Two-letter ISO 3166-2 country code

ℹ️ If buyer.shippingAddress is set, the countryCode sub-field will be required.

See the following documents for the full API specifications

Maya Checkout

Offer your customers to pay their online purchases using payment cards or e-wallets.

See API Documents →

Maya Card Payment Vault

Tokenized customers payment credentials providing a secure way of making online payments.

See API Documents →