Other Useful Endpoints

Account Balance Inquiry

Balance Inquiry

Use this endpoint to check the balance of the account.

Transaction Inquiry

Check Transaction

Use this endpoint to check the status of a transaction given a transaction Reference Number

Click to see full details

Reference Numbers in parameters ({refNo}) can be any of the following reference numbers:

  • *transactionReferenceNo generated by P3 for successful transactions.
  • logRef generated by P3 for failed/declined transactions.
  • Request-Reference-No provided by the merchant / payment gateway as part of the request.
  • merchant.metadata.refNo (request body) OPTIONAL - A reference number sent by the merchant involved in the transaction. If the API caller is a merchant, this field can be populated with the same value as the Request-Reference-No, or ommitted in favor of the value of Request-Reference-No. Payment Gateways can use this field to include the reference number sent by their transacting merchant to identify the transaction.
  • merchant.paymentFacilitator.subMerchants[0].metadata.refNo (request body) OPTIONAL - A reference number sent by the sub-merchant involved in a transaction sent by a payment facilitator.

List Transactions

Use this endpoint to get a list of transactions based on the provided parameters.

Click to see URI parameters
Attribute Format Description Sample

Merchant ID to query



Reference Number to query (default: all reference numbers for transactions matching the other parameters)


pageOPTIONAL string

Page / offset to start the query


sizeOPTIONAL string

Number of transactions to return per page (default: 10, max: 500)


fromOPTIONAL string

ISO 8601 representation of date/time to start the lookup from (default: matches transactions for all time)


toOPTIONAL string

ISO 8601 representation of date/time until when to lookup transactions (default: matches transactions for all time)


sortOPTIONAL string

Defines which data will be used to sort the results

  • timestamp (default value) - Sort by timestamp


orderOPTIONAL string

Configure how the results should be sorted

  • desc - Sort by the given sort directive, in descending order
  • asc - Sort by the given sort directive, in ascending order


Allow/Restrict Refunds

POST /p3/transactions/{refNo}{refundable}

Use this endpoint to update parameters of transaction given a reference number

⚠️ This API is only available in Sandbox Environment

Click to see URI parameters
Attribute Format Description Sample

The unique identifier of a transaction. This could be one of the following available reference number:

  1. Transaction Reference Number
  2. LogRef
  3. Request Referene Number (RRN)


refundableOPTIONAL string

If the value is true, it will set the transaction as refundable.

If the value is false, it will set the transaction as non-refundable


Utility Functions

Service Ping

Use this endpoint to perform miscellaneous utility functions within Payments Processing Platform’s scope.

Perform an authenticated ping / health check to do the following:

  • Determine status of connectivity
  • Check status and correctness of API keys