Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide: Maya Biller Direct API
Click here to view full details
Acquire and Submit
New to the Bills Payment API integration? Your team would need to acquire and submit the following requirements.
[email protected]
Reach out to your designated Maya Relationship Manager or email,to acquire the complete list of documents and forms.
Acquire the following documents or information from Maya:
- Get the Onboarding form and checklist.
- Provide consolidated Business requirements.
- Maya Bills Pay integration form (For API integration)
- Includes all technical requirements, such as test data, server details, input field requirements, etc.
- High-resolution icon/logo in PNG or JPG/JPEG format.
- Your Public GPG Key will be used in the Sandbox Integration stage
. Don't have PGP keys yet? Learn how
- For callback strategy and expiration configuration, refer to Biller API Tech Guide
- Request for the Biller API Specifications.
For Card Billers, use “Dummy“ Card details when providing sample test data in the Integration Form.
Create and Develop
Step 1: Review the Biller API Technical Integration Guide and API Specifications
Understand the different Biller APIs, its specifications, how authentication is performed, and integrated within the Bills payment transaction lifecycle.
Step 2: Create the following endpoints in preparation for the integration activity.
Before your Biller tile can be available within the Maya app, you will need to develop the prerequisite endpoints of your application to be integrated: Validate URL, Post URL, and Inquire URL.
- Validate URL
- Post URL
- Inquire URL
- Get Fee URL (optional)
[email protected]
Reach out to your designated Maya Relationship Manager or email,to request for the Biller API specifications (if not yet provided).
Step 3: Local Development Mock Testing
After developing your endpoints, use the Biller API Local Development Mock Testing Postman collection, to simulate the API calls between Maya and your platform.
This tool is only for mock simulation only with your developed endpoints.
Step 4: Submit URLs and other onboarding requirements
Send to your designated Maya Relationship Manager, the following information to proceed with the technical onboarding in Maya's Sandbox environment.
- Accomplished Maya Bills Payment Integration Form (for API integration)
- Submit Submit Local Development Mock Testing results
Sandbox Integration
Step 1: Setup the credentials and API keys
As part of security measures, sharing of keys between Maya and the Partner shall follow secure key protocols, such as GPG encryption. Misuse or mishandling of tokens or keys within the jurisdiction of the Partner, could entail risk and vulnerability of transactions.
Credentials and keys will be encrypted and received via e-mail. You should be able to decrypt it using your private GPG key. Learn how.
API Signature and Authorization
Make sure to follow the type of request header per API endpoint. Refer to, to learn more.
Step 2: Perform Sandbox Integration testing
- Use Sandbox credentials and API keys acquired and provided by Maya.
- Download the Biller API Sandbox Integration Testing
Postman collection, and follow the steps for integration testing between Maya and your platform.
- Validate the transactions, payment details, processing and posting, and the reports.
Email the Sandbox Integration testing results and sign-off to your designated Maya Relationship Manager.
Step 3: Perform User Acceptance testing
- Maya’s Relationship Manager to set a schedule with the Biller Partners and perform the demo of the transactions.
Coordinate with your assigned Maya Relationship Manager, for the sign-offs after the User Acceptance Testing.
Go Live
After testing the integration in our Sandbox environment, it is time to move to Production.
- Maya’s Fulfillment Team to send you your MID and Production Maya Business Manager Access.
- Set up your Maya Business Manager account
- Receive Production credentials (API keys, etc.) and configure/use them in your Production environment services.
- Be ready for the Post Production Testing. Once launched in Production, prepare the following:
- Download the Maya App
- Transaction Live accounts provided to Maya.
- Reconciliation of expected transactions versus the settlement report and your database reports.
- Download the Maya App
New credentials and keys will be provided for Production. It will be received via an encrypted e-mail from Maya.
You should be able to decrypt it using your private GPG key. Learn how![]()
Quick Start Guide: Maya Check Digit Validation
Click here to view full details
Acquire the following documents or information from Maya:
- Technical Integration Form:
- Check Digit Validation (CDV)
Contact your Maya Relationship Manager to acquire the complete list of required documents and forms.
Pre-requisite: You have been onboarded to Maya business via your Relationship Manager
Submit the following to your Maya account manager:
- For Check Digit Validation
- Accomplished Integration form and requirements.
- Provide Consolidated Business Requirements.
- Icon/logo in PNG or JPG/JPEG format.
- Check digit logic
- List of preferred fields to be included in your Daily Transaction Report (Daily Extract Report).
If account numbers are random, too complex logic, does not have a pattern, and/or you only have a list of valid accounts, then Maya’s Bills Payment integration via Check Digit is NOT Possible.
For other integration options, you may refer here.
Check out the references provided:
Check Digit Technical Detailsview documentation
- Solution Kits, including:
- Bills Payment CDV Flow
- Tutorials (How to access Maya Manager, how to generate settlement reports, etc.)
- FAQs
- Supporting articles
- Technical Overview / Walkthrough
Maya Biller CDV Integration
- Receive access to the Maya Business Manager.
After submission of requirements, coordinate with your assigned Maya Relationship Manager for the Sandbox Integration.
Perform user acceptance testing:
After the team is done with the CDV algorithm and onboarding, and you have been onboarded in the Sandbox Environment, next step is the user acceptance testing.
- Maya’s Relationship Manager to set a schedule with the Biller Partners and perform the demo of the transactions.
- The Biller Partners to validate transactions, settlement report, and provide sign-off.
Coordinate with your assigned Maya Relationship Manager for the sign-offs after the User Acceptance Testing.
Go Live
After testing the integration in our Sandbox environment, it is time to move to Production.
- Maya’s Fulfillment Team to send you your MID and Production Maya Business Manager Access.
- Set up your Maya Business Manager account
- Be ready for the Post Production Testing. Once launched in production, prepare the following:
- Download the Maya App
- Transaction Live accounts provided to Maya.
- Receiving of Daily Transaction Report via email.
- Validate Daily Transaction Report and Settlement Report.
- Download the Maya App
Quick Start Guide: Maya Biller Portal
Click here to view full details
Acquire the following documents or information from Maya:
- Technical Integration Form:
- For Maya Biller Portal
Contact your Maya Relationship Manager to acquire the complete list of required documents and forms.
Pre-requisite: You have been onboarded to Maya business via your Relationship Manager
Submit the following to your Maya account manager:
- For Maya Portal
- Accomplished Integration form and requirements.
- Provide Consolidated Business Requirements.
- Icon/logo in PNG or JPG/JPEG format.
- List of e-mail addresses to be given initial access to the Biller Portal in Production.
Check out the references provided:
Maya Biller Portal Technical Detailsview documentation
- Solution Kits, including:
- Maya Biller Portal Flow
- API requirement
- Tutorials (How to access Maya Manager, how to generate settlement reports, etc.)
- FAQs
- Supporting articles
- Technical Overview / Walkthrough
Maya Biller Portal Integration
- Receive access to the Maya Business Manager
- Receive access to the Maya Biller Portal
After submission of requirements, coordinate with your assigned Maya Relationship Manager for the Sandbox Integration.
Perform user acceptance testing:
- After you have been onboarded in the Sandbox Environment, next step is the user acceptance testing.
- Maya’s Relationship Manager to set a schedule with the Biller Partners and perform the demo of the transactions.
- The Biller Partners to validate transactions, Maya Biller Portal, and provide sign-off.
Coordinate with your assigned Maya Product Manager for the sign-offs after the User Acceptance Testing.
Go Live
After testing the integration in our Sandbox environment, it is time to move to Production.
- Maya’s Fulfillment Team to send you your MID and Production Maya Business Manager Access.
- Set up your Maya Business Manager account
- Set up your Maya Biller Portal.
- Be ready for the Post Production Testing. Once launched in production, be ready with the following:
- Download the Maya App
- Transaction Live accounts provided to Maya.
- Manually validate transactions done.
- Validate Biller Portal reports and settlement report.
- Download the Maya App
Updated about 1 year ago