Disbursement API FAQ
How long is the validity of a session?
The session is valid for 10 minutes. Each successful API call automatically extends the session by another 10 minutes.
Why is there a need to invite a member/beneficiary?
- Beneficiary must have an Upgraded Maya Account to be able to receive Maya credits.
- In compliance to our Maya business rule, beneficiaries are required to accept the invitation, giving their consent to get enrolled and become eligible in receiving funds from you as the client.
What happens if a member already has a Maya Consumer account, will a new account be created for him?
- Disbursement API uses the mobile number to uniquely identify each member. If they already have a Maya consumer account, the system will just reuse it.
- Beneficiary must still accept the invitation to get enrolled and become eligible in receiving funds from you as the client.
What happens if Execute Disbursement File is called multiple times, will that result in duplicate or double sending of disbursements?
No, the system will only process the disbursement once. Execute Disbursement File API checks the "disbursementId" parameter to prevent duplicate executions.
How can we check the result of a disbursement?
There are two levels for this, one is for the entire file, and another for each record in the file
- Entire File - use the Get Disbursement Status endpoint, the result is in the status field. Possible status values are:
- Creating...
- Ready to Disburse
- Disbursing...
- Completed - all of the records in the file were disbursed successfully
- Completed (with errors) - there were some records that succeeded and some that failed
- Failed - no records were processed successfully
- Each Record - use the List Successful/Failed Disbursement Records endpoint. A successfully disbursed record will have the status TRANSFER_ACCEPTED
Updated over 1 year ago