Magento Troubleshooting Guide
Keep in mind
This troubleshooting guide is for Maya Magento plugin only.
Basic Troubleshooting Steps
- Check if the Maya Magento plugin extension version is the most recent one (v1.1.3). Go to Maya Business Plugin
to download the latest version.
This is compatible with installed version of Magento (v2.4).
- In Magento plugin dashboard, check under Card Payments if Maya payment method is enabled.
As needed, disable/enable Maya payment method in Magento plugin.
- Make sure that the merchant account you are using is enabled to use the Maya Checkout Magento product / solution.
- Check API Keys Setup.
- Check Webhooks Setup.
- Check Mode setting is “Test” or “Live”; should be aligned with the environment of the Maya Manager used.
Review API Keys Setup
Make sure that API keys are generated under the merchant account enabled to use the Maya Checkout Magento product / solution (see Maya Manager merchant account’s API keys setup).
Check if API keys setup in Magento plugin dashboard and Maya Manager are the same.
As needed, delete and/or regenerate new API keys as needed (maximum of 4, 2 sets of public and secret keys).
Review Webhook Setup
Make sure that the Webhooks are enrolled under the merchant account enabled to use the Maya Checkout Magento product / solution.
Check if Webhooks Settings-Webhook Base URL in Magento plugin dashboard and the base URL of the Webhooks set in Maya Manager are the same.
Webhook URLs/endpoints should be changed only in Magento plugin dashboard; they are automatically synched in Maya Manager.
- Check if the Webhooks setup in Maya Manager are tested and are valid webhook endpoints.
Use the Maya Manager Webhook Testing tool to check the registered webhook endpoints return 200 OK.
- Make sure that a specific set of Webhooks is used by only one (1) MID / merchant account.
Retrieving Magento Logs
- Retrieve different logs from the your Magento instance log directory (/var/logs/):
- maya-log-<date-of-transaction>.log
- contains logs specific for Maya Magento extension
- debug.log
- contains all logs, including debug logs from Magento
- system.log
- contains Magento system logs, including Maya Magento extension logs
- maya-log-<date-of-transaction>.log
Possible Troubleshooting Use Cases
Transaction is not existing in Magento plugin dashboard but existing in Maya Manager
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- Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps.
- Do another transaction and take note of the order number (in Magento dashboard) and reference number (in Maya Manager).
- If you need further help, check this.
Transaction status in Magento plugin dashboard not in-synch with Maya Manager (or status is not expected)
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Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps.
Do another transaction and take note of the order number (in Magento dashboard) and reference number (in Maya Manager).
Check Webhooks Setup. It is possible that webhooks are not being triggered or not being received.
Check if there are multiple sites that are using the same Magento plugin and the same Maya Manager, see details.
Check logs if relevant webhooks are sent (Maya Manager logs) and received (Magento plugin logs).
Retrigger Webhook in Maya Manager.
Confirm with your RM or OPS-FT online team: your Auth and Capture setup in Maya Manager, it should be straight payments / automatic capture (turned off).
If the status is PROCESSING in Magento plugin dashboard, should be manually updated to COMPLETED.
Do another transaction and check if there is still an error / if something still does not work.
If you need further help, check this.
Webhook notifications not being triggered or not being received
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Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps.
Do another transaction and take note of the order number (in Magento dashboard) and reference number (in Maya Manager).
Check Webhooks Setup.
Check logs if relevant webhooks are sent (Maya Manager logs) and received (Magento plugin logs).
Retrigger Webhook in Maya Manager.
Check network security setup of merchant site, turn-off firewall, contact hosting provider (troubleshoot for possible hosting issues).
Do another transaction and check if there is still an error / if something still does not work.
If you need further help, check this.
Webhooks in Magento plugin are not synching to Maya Manager
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Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps.
Do another transaction and take note of the order number (in WooCommerce dashboard) and reference number (in Maya Manager).
Check Webhooks Setup.
Re-”Save” the webhook settings page (Payments) in Magento plugin dashboard.
Check if there are multiple sites that are using the same Magento plugin and the same Maya Manager, see details.
Retrigger Webhook in Maya Manager.
Do another transaction and check if there is still an error / if something still does not work.
If you need further help, check this.
An order confirmation email notification is sent to customer even though the payment for that order is not yet COMPLETED
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Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps, particularly step 1.
In the Maya Magento plugin dashboard, under Miscellaneous Settings, check if the dropdown value for Send order confirmation email before payment resolution is No.
Do another transaction and check if there is still an error / if something still does not work.
If you need further help, check this.
Encountering “Payment Failed” or “Invalid Request”
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Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps.
Do another transaction and take note of the order number (in Magento dashboard) and reference number (in Maya Manager).
Check Magento plugin logs, this could be related to merchant onboarding setup, fraudulent transaction, currency used, cards used, or API keys used.
Let your support or RM know which payment method you are using in the transaction. It is possible that there was an issue with its setup.
Make sure you are only using one (1) of the following-- Maya Business Manager 1.0 or Maya Business Manager 2.0. Otherwise, get in touch with your Relationship Manager or OPS-FT ([email protected] / [email protected]).
Do another transaction and check if there is still an error / if something still does not work.
If you need further help, check this.
Encountering system errors/exceptions in Magento plugin dashboard
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Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps.
Do another transaction and take note of the order number (in WooCommerce dashboard) and reference number (in Maya Manager).
Check Magento plugin logs,and look for the actual error or exception logged.
Check if there is another Maya Magento plugin installed. Please use the most recent one, and deactivate/remove the old one/s.
Check network security setup of merchant site, turn-off firewall, contact hosting provider (troubleshoot for possible hosting issues).
Do another transaction and check if there is still an error / if something still does not work.
If you need further help, check this.
Not redirecting to Maya’s payment page
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Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps.
Do another transaction and take note of the order number (in Magento dashboard) and reference number (in Maya Manager).
Check Magento plugin logs, this could be related to merchant onboarding setup, fraudulent transaction, currency used, cards used, or API keys used.
Do another transaction and check if there is still an error / if something still does not work.
If you need further help, check this.
Maya payment option does not appear on the website
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Review our Basic Troubleshooting Steps.
Do another transaction and take note of the order number (in Magento dashboard) and reference number (in Maya Manager).
In Magento plugin dashboard, check under Card Payments if Maya payment method is enabled.
As needed, disable/enable Maya payment method in Magento plugin.
- Check the customized backend code of the Magento plugin, if there are hardcoded logic that allows or prevents certain payment options.
- Do another transaction and check if there is still an error / if something still does not work.
- If you need further help, check this.
If multiple sites are using the same Magento plugin and/or Maya Manager
Make sure only one (1) site or environment is active at a time (SandBox or Production) that is using the Magento plugin and Maya Manager. It is possible that multiple plugin instances are the reason why the order statuses are not aligned or the webhook notifications are not triggered.
Make sure you are only using one (1) of the following-- Maya Business Manager 1.0 or Maya Business Manager 2.0. Otherwise, get in touch with your Relationship Manager or OPS-FT ([email protected] / [email protected]).
If you need further help
- For Production concerns, please contact [email protected] or explore Maya Business Help Desk
- For Sandbox concerns, create ASKMAYADEV ticket in Maya Developer Hub Service Desk
See our ASKMAYADEV filing guide
- Disable or uninstall other instances of Magento plugin in your environment.
- Setup a SandBox environment or a Production “Test” account. Please contact your Relationship Manager.
When filing for ASKMAYADEV
Make sure you are enrolled in the Maya Developer Hub Service Desk
. Otherwise, please contact [email protected].
Share the request payload and reference number (in Maya Manager) or the order number (in Magento dashboard).
Share the response payload and result / response code.
Share a screen recording of transaction/s.
Share the screenshots of Maya Manager transaction/s (list, status and details) under merchant account enabled to use Magento.
Share the screenshots of Magento plugin order/s (list, status and details).
Share the Magento plugin logs and check for errors (i.e Currency issues, Fraud issues, Card issues).
Updated 18 days ago