Receive settlements into your Business Deposit

View Settlements

Once your settlement account is all set up to use Maya Business Deposit, you'll start seeing the settlement amounts on a specific schedule showing up in the Transaction History of your Business Deposit account. Merchants can use this added balance to pay their suppliers or bills.

Settlement Report vs Statement of Account

Settlement Report

The settlement report contains a breakdown of transactions from the merchant’s stores. The details in this report will include but are not limited to the total amount, transaction breakdown, rates, and reference numbers.

Merchants can extract the latest settlement report in Maya Manager 1.0.

Statement of Account

The statement of account contains a summary of your business deposit account.

The amount settled from the merchant’s customer transactions will be shown as a credit entry in the transaction list.

Click the Business Deposit in the Maya Business Manager then choose which monthly statement you want to view in the browser.

From the Maya Business Manager, click the kebab icon to download and view in PDF.

Alternatively, users can export a real-time transaction history by clicking Export Transactions in the Business Deposit dashboard.

View Statements of Account in Maya Business Manager.
Download SOA via Maya Business Manager
SOA in PDF browser

Settlement Schedule and Report

Settlements schedule and reports vary for each partner. Reach out to your Maya Relationship Manager or to review your schedule.