Other Payment Errors

General Errors

2553 - Missing/invalid parameters


Error Code and Message2553- Missing/invalid parameters.
HTTP Code400
ProblemThe API call was made with missing or invalid parameters.

In most cases, the problem is how API Consumers call the API endpoint. It can be a missing parameter in a required field or cannot be done with your current configuration.
What you should doThe API Consumer must review the API specifications and send the API request with complete specs and correct values.

PY0001 - Generic system error


Error Code and MessagePY0001 - A problem is encountered. Please contact your system administrator.
HTTP Code400
ProblemA problem was encountered in Maya.
What you should doIf the error appears, the API Consumer can retry the operation. If the issue persists, they can reach out to Maya through these channels:

If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] .

If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via the Maya Developer Hub Service Desk and provide the following:
  • payment ID and/or request reference number
  • the error code you encountered and its corresponding Maya Developer Hub link (this is to make sure that you have exhausted all your efforts and resources in Maya Developer Hub to solve the error)
  • the log of the API request where you experienced the error

PY0064 - Invalid JSON Format

HTTP Status: 400


This error will arise if the payload request is not a valid JSON format. Please check your payload and ensure that you are sending the correct JSON format.

Server Related Errors

PY0015 PY0016 PY0040 PY0041 PY0060 PY0066 PY0067 PY0069 PY0122 PY0143 PY9999 - System has encountered a systematic error or is unreachable / timed out.

HTTP Status: 400


If you run into this error, take a moment to confirm the transaction. Use the GET https://pg-sandbox.paymaya.com/payments/v1/payment-rrns/{rrn} endpoint, inputting the requestReferenceNumber you've created to distinctly identify your payment transaction. If there's no response, go ahead and make another attempt to generate the payment transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support by providing any of the following:
-customerId or linkId

PY0013 - Card vault server unreachable / timed out.

Product/s: VAULT

Error Code and MessagePY0013 - Card vault server unreachable / timed out
HTTP Code400
ProblemA problem was encountered between your server and Maya.
What you should doIf the error appears, the API Consumer can retry the operation. If the issue persists, they can reach out to Maya through these channels:

If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] .

If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via the Maya Developer Hub Service Desk and provide the following:
  • payment ID and/or request reference number
  • the error code you encountered and its corresponding Maya Developer Hub link (this is to make sure that you have exhausted all your efforts and resources in Maya Developer Hub to solve the error)
  • the log of the API request where you experienced the error

PY0059 - Customer Vault server unreachable / timed out

Product/s: VAULT

Error Code and MessagePY0059 - Customer Vault server unreachable / timed out
HTTP Code400
ProblemA problem was encountered between your server and Maya.
What you should doIf the error appears, the API Consumer can retry the operation. If the issue persists, they can reach out to Maya through these channels:

If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] .

If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via the Maya Developer Hub Service Desk and provide the following:
  • payment ID and/or request reference number
  • the error code you encountered and its corresponding Maya Developer Hub link (this is to make sure that you have exhausted all your efforts and resources in Maya Developer Hub to solve the error)
  • the log of the API request where you experienced the error

PY0014 - Card Vault service error

Product/s: VAULT

Error Code and MessagePY0014 - Card Vault service error
HTTP Code400
ProblemA problem was encountered between your server and Maya.
What you should doIf the error appears, the API Consumer can retry the operation. If the issue persists, they can reach out to Maya through these channels:

If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] .

If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via the Maya Developer Hub Service Desk and provide the following:
  • payment ID and/or request reference number
  • the error code you encountered and its corresponding Maya Developer Hub link (this is to make sure that you have exhausted all your efforts and resources in Maya Developer Hub to solve the error)
  • the log of the API request where you experienced the error

PY0060 - Customer Vault service error

Product/s: VAULT

Error Code and MessagePY0060 - Customer Vault service error
HTTP Code400
ProblemA problem was encountered between your server and Maya.
What you should doIf the error appears, the API Consumer can retry the operation. If the issue persists, they can reach out to Maya through these channels:

If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] .

If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via the Maya Developer Hub Service Desk and provide the following:
  • payment ID and/or request reference number
  • the error code you encountered and its corresponding Maya Developer Hub link (this is to make sure that you have exhausted all your efforts and resources in Maya Developer Hub to solve the error)
  • the log of the API request where you experienced the error

Third Party Errors

PY0114 - WeChat Service unreachable / timed out

HTTP Status: 400


WeChat service is unreachable or taking too long to respond. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0115 - WeChat Service error

HTTP Status: 400


This is a systematic error on WeChat Service. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0129 - GCash Service unreachable / timed out

HTTP Status: 400


GCash Service is unreachable or taking too long to respond. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0130 - GCash Service error

HTTP Status: 400


This is a systematic error on GCash Service. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0140 - ShopeePay Service unreachable / timed out

HTTP Status: 400


ShopeePay Service is unreachable or taking too long to respond. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0141 - ShopeePay Service error

HTTP Status: 400


This is a systematic error in the ShopeePay Service. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

Webhook Errors

PY0038 - Webhook does not exist

HTTP Status: 404


If you encounter this error, it means that the registration of the webhook was unsuccessful.

Additionally, this error may also occur if the webhook endpoint is incorrect for a particular environment. Please note that the webhook endpoint differs between the sandbox environment and the production environment.

You may want to check if the registered webhook exists via Maya Manager or by calling the Get Webhooks endpoint.

PY0039 - Webhook already exists

HTTP Status: 400


This error happens if a webhook has already been created.

You may want to check if the registered webhook exists via Maya Manager or by calling the Get Webhooks endpoint.

To retry the request, you may delete the existing webhook and define a new one.

PY0091 - Payment state is invalid for sending webhooks

HTTP Status: 400


Review and expand your understanding of Maya’s webhooks by following this guide: Webhooks for Payment Solutions.

PY0092 - Merchant's registered webhook is unreachable

HTTP Status: 408


Make sure you have registered the correct webhook URL that is up and running. For more details, see Webhooks for Payment Solutions.

Subscription Related Errors

PY0049 - Subscription does not exist

HTTP Status: 404

Will be encountered when a subscription does not exist.

Make sure you have supplied a correct subscription and retry again.

PY0051 - Failed to update subscription details

HTTP Status: 400

This is a systematic error in updating subscription details. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support by providing the subscriptionId.

PY0052 - Failed to cancel subscription

HTTP Status: 400

This error will arise when there are errors in canceling the subscription. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support by providing the subscriptionId.

PY0054 - Subscription already charged

HTTP Status: 400

You will encounter this error when the subscription you are trying to process has already been charged.

To validate the status of the subscription, get the status via the retrieve endpoint.