Customer, Account and Card Related Errors

Customer, Account and Card Related Errors

This page provides a comprehensive list of potential error codes that may arise during Customer, Account, or Card validations, whether within the Vault or as determined by the Acquirer or by the Issuer.

PY0002 - Card is expired

HTTP Status: 400


⚠️ Applicable for Card payments only.

This occurs when an expired card is used. You can suggest to the customer to attempt the transaction using a valid and active card. This specific error is determined by the Acquirer.

PY0007 - Invalid token status

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

Please note that tokens are for one-time use only. This error will occur when the token has already been used on a transaction. Please create new token and retry the transaction.

PY0008 - Token is invalid

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

If the token is unavailable for payment, you will encounter this error. Please verify that the token is not expired or deleted. Kindly retry the transaction using a valid and existing token.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support by providing any of the following:
-customerId or linkId

PY0021 - Failed to add customer

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

This is a systemic error that occurs when creating a customer record. Please review the mandatory fields for creating a customer and try again.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0023 - Customer does not exist

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

The customerId provided does not exist in the merchant's records. Please ensure that you have provided the correct customerId under your merchant and retry the operation.

PY0024 - Failed to delete customer

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

This is a systematic error in deleting a customer record.

Validate the status of the customer record by calling Retrieve Customer. If it still exist, retry sending another request to delete the customer record.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0025 - Failed to update customer details

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

This is a systematic error in updating Customer details.

Validate the status of the customer record by calling Retrieve Customer. If it exist and details are not modified, retry sending another request to update the customer record.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0026 - Failed to update card details

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

This is a systematic error in updating Card details. Kindly retry transaction.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0027 - Card does not exist

HTTP Status: 404

Product/s: VAULT

This error happens when the Card token does not exist for Customer. Validate that the Card token used is not deleted and kindly retry the transaction.

PY0028 - Failed to delete card

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

This is a systematic error in deleting Card. Kindly retry transaction.

Validate the Card record by calling Retrieve Card. If it is still exist, retry sending another request to delete the card record.

ℹ️ If the error persists even after multiple retries, please escalate the issue to Support.

PY0029 - No card found for customer

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

This error response will be encountered when no Card record is associated to the customer. Please ensure that you have successfully linked a card to this customer record.

PY0030 - Invalid card token status

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

This error will happen if the Card token status is not allowed for payment. Possible reasons are any of the following:

  • Used Card Token
  • Deleted Card Token
  • Linking of Card token that is not successful

Kindly retry transaction and use a valid and existing Card Token.

PY0036 - Card is not supported

HTTP Status: 400


⚠️ Applicable for Card payments only.

If you encounter this error, it means that the card scheme being used is not supported by the application. Please ensure that you are using one of the supported card schemes, which are MasterCard, Visa, and JCB.

PY0043 - Card already exists

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

This error will happen if the card you are trying to link is already linked to the customer.

Validate the Card record by calling Retrieve Card.

PY0105 - Account has insufficient balance to perform this transaction

HTTP Status: 400


Linked account or the account being used does not have sufficient balance to make the transaction.

You can inform the user that the transaction was declined due to insufficient funds and advise them to cash in prior to making a transaction.

PY0117 - Card is invalid

HTTP Status: 400


This error will happen if card being used is invalid or no longer valid (card BIN is not supported or card is inactive).

Make sure you are using a valid and active card when making a transaction.

PY0119 - Issuer declined card or account

HTTP Status: 400


You will encounter this issue when Issuer instructed to stop any transactions to be made using this card.

Recommend to try with a different card.

PY0120 - Issuer decline

HTTP Status: 400


You will encounter this error when customer has provided invalid card details (e.g. expired card, or wrong card number).

Recommend to try a different card.

PY0121 - Card is expired

HTTP Status: 400


⚠️ Applicable for Card payments only.

This occurs when an expired card is used. You can suggest to the customer to attempt the transaction using a valid and active card. This specific error is determined by the Issuer.

PY0123 - Account limit exceeded

HTTP Status: 400


Linked account or the account being used has reached the maximum number of transactions.

You can inform the user that the transaction was declined due to limit. They can retry the transaction on the next day or use other account.

PY0127 - Please update incomplete customer records

HTTP Status: 400

Product/s: VAULT

You will encounter this error when Fraud protection is enabled and the provided customer details are incomplete.

Make sure to provide the minimum required customer details, as described in Fraud Protection guide, and retry the transaction.

PY0136 - Account / Card is compromised

HTTP Status: 400


You will encounter this error when account was closed and is no longer usable.

You have to unlink the account and ask user to link another account.