OAuth 2.0 Authentication Errors

General Errors in Maya Connect

invalid_client - Bad client credentials

HTTP Status: 401

Error Message: Bad client credentials.

This is caused by sending a request with the wrong or missing client ID or secret.

Ensure that you have encoded the correct client ID and secret, and it should be in the Authorization header of your HTTP request.

invalid_client - Unauthorized grant type

HTTP Status: 401

Error Message: Unauthorized grant type: refresh_token.

This happens when the grant type is not allowed for the client.

Use only the client_credentials grant type. If you need to use this grant type but have encountered this error, contact your Maya Relationship Manager.

invalid_request - Missing grant type

HTTP Status: 400

Error Message: Missing grant type.

This happens when the grant type is missing in the request.

Ensure to include the grant_type field that is set to client_credentials in the request body.

unsupported_grant_type - Unsupported grant type

HTTP Status: 400

Error Message: Unsupported grant type: <unsupported_type>

This happens when the grant type provided is not supported by Maya Connect.

Ensure to include the grant_type field that is set to client_credentials in the request body.

Additional Errors for authorization_code and refresh_token grant

invalid_grant - Invalid grant

HTTP Status: 400

Error Message: Your account has been locked because of too many invalid login attempts. Reset your password to continue using your account.

This happens when the customer Maya account is locked. The customer may reset their password and try again.

invalid_token - Invalid refresh token

HTTP Status: 400

Error Message: Invalid refresh token: <refresh_token>.

Sending a request to the token endpoint with an invalid refresh token. Make sure the refresh token is valid.