Daily Transaction Reconciliation

This report applies only to the following solutions:

A daily report in CSV format is generated every morning at 04:00 AM GMT+8 and sent to your nominated recipient via automated email. This report includes all successful and failed transactions from the previous day.

To nominate or update your email recipient/s, please contact your assigned Maya Relationship Manager.


FieldDescriptionSample Data
Headline (row 1)Headline of the report including the Client IDPartner Name MDTR Report
Generation Date (row 2)The date when the report was generated, in YYYYMMDD format20220201

Transaction List (Body)

Column NameDescriptionSample Data
DateTimeDate/Time the transaction was performed in PHT
Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
2022-01-31 09:48:46
Target PANTarget wallet account details. Value could be hash / masked if it is the PAN (Primary Account Number)542482******5545
Target MSISDNMobile number linked to the target wallet account639123456789
Target typeTarget account type (default PAYMAYA)PAYMAYA
Partner RRNTransaction Reference number you have providedfce48a15-7e54-4c36-b2af-eee19a6abd9c
MI3 RRNTransaction ID generated by Money Movement595213fb-f040-438e-ba55-4dc2bd183de4
AmountTransaction Amount in Philippine peso100.00
Response CodeTransaction response0 (Please see list of Error Codes)

Transaction Summary (Footer)

FieldDescriptionSample Data
Total Debit AmountTotal amount debited to your wallet account1900.00
Total No. of Successful TransactionsTotal count of successful transactions on the generated report8
Total No. of Failed TransactionsTotal count of failed transactions on the generated report3
Current balance as of generation dateDisregard this field. Note that it will be removed in the future; For inquiries, reach out to your Maya Relationship Manager55.00
Available balance as of generation dateDisregard this field. Note that it will be removed in the future; For inquiries, reach out to your Maya Relationship Manager55.00

To get your end-of-day (EOD) account balance, please reach out to your Maya Relationship Manager.