Pay with Maya Errors
This page provides a comprehensive list of potential error codes that may arise while processing payments in a direct Pay with Maya integration only.
- Missing/invalid parameters
- Missing/invalid parametersError Code and Message | PYBY0001 - Missing/invalid parameters. |
HTTP Code | 400 |
Problem | The API call was made with missing or invalid parameters. In most cases, the problem is how API Consumers call the API endpoint. It can be a missing parameter in a required field or cannot be done with your current configuration. |
What you should do | The API Consumer must review the API specifications and send the API request with complete specs and correct values. |
- Merchant not found
- Merchant not foundError Code and Message | PYBY0003 - Merchant not found |
HTTP Code | 404 |
Problem | There is a problem with the configuration of your merchant account. |
What you should do | If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] . If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via Maya Developer Hub Service Desk
- Access not allowed
- Access not allowedError Code and Message | PYBY0004 - Access not allowed |
HTTP Code | 401 |
Problem | There is a problem with the configuration of your merchant account. |
What you should do | If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] . If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via Maya Developer Hub Service Desk
- Payment Service Error. Please contact your system administrator
- Payment Service Error. Please contact your system administratorError Code and Message | PYBY0006 - Payment Service Error. Please contact your system administrator |
HTTP Code | 400 |
Problem | A problem was encountered between your server and Maya. |
What you should do | If the error appears, the API Consumer can retry the operation. If the issue persists, they can reach out to Maya through these channels: If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] . If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via Maya Developer Hub Service Desk
- Wallet does not exist
- Wallet does not existError Code and Message | PYBY0009 - Wallet does not exist |
HTTP Code | 404 |
Problem | The API call was made with the wrong linkId |
What you should do | Use a correct linkId or generate a new linkId using Create Wallet Link |
- Wallet is inactive or deleted from the system and cannot be used for this transaction
- Wallet is inactive or deleted from the system and cannot be used for this transactionError Code and Message | PYBY0010 - Wallet is inactive or deleted from the system and cannot be used for this transaction |
HTTP Code | 400 |
Problem | The API call was made with the wrong linkId |
What you should do | Use a correct linkId or generate a new linkId using Create Wallet Link |
- A problem is encountered. Please contact your system administrator.
- A problem is encountered. Please contact your system administrator.Error Code and Message | PYBY0012 - A problem is encountered. Please contact your system administrator. |
HTTP Code | 400 |
Problem | A problem was encountered between your server and Maya. |
What you should do | If the error appears, the API Consumer can retry the operation. If the issue persists, they can reach out to Maya through these channels: If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] . If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via Maya Developer Hub Service Desk
- Currency not supported
- Currency not supportedError Code and Message | PYBY0014 - Currency is not supported |
HTTP Code | 400 |
Problem | The API call was made with the wrong currency. |
What you should do | API Consumers are restricted to utilizing only the specified currency within their integration. Ensure to pass the currency value that has been configured. |
- A problem is encountered. Please contact your system administrator.
- A problem is encountered. Please contact your system administrator.Error Code and Message | PYBY9999 - A problem is encountered. Please contact your system administrator. |
HTTP Code | 400 |
Problem | A problem was encountered between your server and Maya. |
What you should do | If the error appears, the API Consumer can retry the operation. If the issue persists, they can reach out to Maya through these channels: If the error was encountered in PRODUCTION, contact [email protected] . If the error was encountered during sandbox integration, create a ticket via Maya Developer Hub Service Desk