Pay using a Linked Maya Wallet

Pre-requisite: To pay using a linked Maya Wallet, you must implement the Link a Maya Wallet .


Use the Pay with Maya to allow customers to use their linked Maya wallet to pay for their purchases.

Leverage Pay with Maya to perform:

  • Passwordless payments. Once linked, customers can use their Maya account for payment seamlessly.

API Sequence

Learn the API sequence and transaction flow of Pay using a Linked Maya Wallet.

Build your Integration

This solution uses Basic Authentication, which requires API keys to authenticate incoming requests. To obtain your API key, please refer to the Generate API Keys for Online Payments guide.

Execute Payment

Monitor Real-time Transaction Events


The following are the Pay with Maya endpoints for the Pay using a Linked Maya Wallet.

NameHTTP MethodKey TypeEndpointDescription
Execute Wallet Link PaymentPOSTSECRET/payby/v2/paymaya/link/{linkId}/executeUsed to execute a payment transaction using an established wallet link.

Business Rules to Code

To supplement your knowledge of the integration, it is essential to familiarize the Business Rules to Code for Online Payments . This ensures that technology requirements and other development considerations are met.

At this point, you have understood the following:

  • The necessary APIs and their endpoints
  • The sequence and purpose of each API
  • The prerequisites for building your integration