Pay using a Linked Maya Wallet

Pre-requisite: To pay using a linked Maya Wallet, you must implement the Link a Maya Wallet .


Use the Pay with Maya to allow customers to use their linked Maya wallet to pay for their purchases.

Leverage Pay with Maya to perform:

  • Passwordless payments. Once linked, customers can use their Maya account for payment seamlessly.

API Sequence

Learn the API sequence and transaction flow of Pay using a Linked Maya Wallet.

Build your Integration

Execute Payment

Monitor Real-time Transaction Events


The following are the Pay with Maya endpoints for the Pay using a Linked Maya Wallet.

NameHTTP MethodKey TypeEndpointDescription
Execute Wallet Link PaymentPOSTSECRET/payby/v2/paymaya/link/{linkId}/executeUsed to execute a payment transaction using an established wallet link.

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