Pay with Maya QR
Accept fast and secure cashless payments with the scan-to-pay feature of Maya and expand your reach among participating financial institutions with QRPh.
QRPh or the National QR (Quick Response) Code standard is supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. It is the latest innovation that will push interoperability further towards all businesses and end-users in the country, offering a safe and secure cashless transactions.
Implementing Maya Wallet Linking to your page
Step 1: Setup your Maya Business Manager Account
Before you could implement the Dynamic Maya QR to your websites, you must register and setup your Maya Business Manager Account.
Step 2: Build your pages
A. Create a 'Pay with Maya' button
Create a Pay with Maya button on your website that will allow customers to trigger the payment.
Sample code for Creating a button:
<title>Wear Vamos</title>
<form action="/pay-with-maya" method="POST">
<button type="submit">Pay with Maya</button>
B. Create your Status Page
Host pages on your website that will reflect the payment status to customers.
Sample code for Successful Page:
<head><title>Payment is successful</title></head>
<h1>Thank your for your order!</h1>
<a link="/track-order">Tracker your order here</a>.
Step 3: Complete the payment
When calling Maya’s Dynamic QR endpoints, your system must define the redirectUrl
– URL of the page where your customer will be redirected based on the payment status.
The redirectUrl Object
Attributes |
success (url) REQUIREDURL of the page where your customers will be redirected after a successful payment. |
failure (url) REQUIREDURL of the page where your customers will be redirected to when the payment fails. |
cancel (url) REQUIREDURL of the page where your customer will be redirected when they cancel a payment. |
When initiating payment as a Payment Facilitator, you need to provide the pf details. For more details see
Ways of showing your Dynamic QR
Option 1: Get the URL to Maya’s Dynamic QR Page
Call this endpoint to get the redirect URL to Maya’s page showing the dynamic QR generated.
Option 2: Generate Dynamic QR to display to your page
Use this endpoint if you want to display the QR code to your self-hosted site. This will request Maya to generate your dynamic QR and get a response containing the QR body. Redirect URL to Maya’s page is also available in the response.
Quick TestAt this point you should be able to generate a QR code page by clicking the button.
- Click "Pay with Maya" button
- You get redirected to Maya’s QR code page.
- Click "Maya" button on the QR code page instead of scanning the QR code.
You can only do an actual scanning of QR code when you are in Production.
- You will have to use a test Maya account Sandbox Credentials and Cards.
- On successful payment, Maya Checkout will redirect to your success page.
Step 4: Handle post-payment events
The redirection after a successful payment does not guarantee that the payment information will be updated. Your application should manage payment information updates by implementing webhooks.
Useful Links
Updated almost 2 years ago