Developer Discussions
Modules for Perfex CRM
Another than woo commerce Plug in is there module for Perfex CRM
Posted by Christian Jaralbio over 1 year ago
How do we retrieve all payment transactions by merchant?
Is there a way to list all transactions under a merchant account filtered by date-time?
Posted by Roland Barro over 2 years ago
Credit Card Payment Using Maya Vault
1. Can you give a sample for this ?
2. Once you have obtained the paymentTokenId, your application should pass your customer's checkout details. << which field?
3. endpoints
const createPaymentUrl = ''
Kept getting this error :
error: 'Invalid endpoint. Please check if you are accessing the correct endpoint/resource.',
code: 'K004',
reference: 'a5f3226d-7059-45e9-a8b1-17b0722184d3'
Posted by Richard Tan almost 2 years ago
Merchant platform went down and payment records were not updated
Our system went down and the webhook was not able to retry within the timeframe. How can we update our records?
Posted by John Ferraris over 2 years ago
Saving my application's webhook
Webhook endpoint has been created. How do we tell PayMaya?
Posted by John Ferraris over 2 years ago
[ASK] PayMaya user account invalid password
PayMaya User Account
Username: 09193890579
Password: Password123
OTP: 123456
halo Pay Maya Team,
i've tested a intiate payment and successfully get a redirect url to test the payment.
"paymentId": "a932b226-239b-4105-a1ca-aff4583413da",
"redirectUrl": ""
but when i want to pay with a test account given above, it's say invalid password.
could you give me a valid testing account ??
Posted by Febri haryanda almost 2 years ago
Checkout Payment Failed
I tried ALL the test card but nothing is working. One thing that I noticed from your checkout page is that this endpoint always fail with 400 bad request. This something that your developers should look into.
{checkoutId: "<some-generated-id>:"}
Posted by denam about 2 years ago
Invalid key scope.
Hi. I'd like to ask how to create an API key with scope including Paymaya wallet payment. The checkout using Credit Card is working but when I tried using the API key with '', the response is: "Invalid key scope. Please check the provided key's scopes".
Also, do you have a documentation on how to use GCash payment feature?
Posted by Jun Maganto over 2 years ago