Developer Discussions
How can we reduce the website redirect time after payment confirmation
Hi Team,
Testing Wallet Payment is always returning "FAILED"
Hi, can anyone to check this test number :
Username: 09193890579
Password: Password@1
OTP: 123456
[ASK] What is the differentiate between single payment and recurring payment ??
[ASK] What is the differentiate between single payment and recurring payment ?? and what's the use cases ?
Create Card of Customer returning Token is invalid.
curl --request POST
--header 'accept: application/json'
--header 'authorization: Basic c2stTk1kYTYwN0ZlWk5HUnQ5eENkc0lSaVo0THF1NkxUODk4SXRIYk40cVBTZTo='
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '
"redirectUrl": {
"success": "",
"failure": "",
"cancel": ""
"paymentTokenId": "xJvxVEQjqla9aQZQmkgNqJaWXIxa0ToPpFZwoIsGhpHgCWZ0w9CGIJ0Xcj8Vo89MTCYjz2TteMclZcPkJwMlfwsvk3CNBx3ursibTXU8amzlbD5MBbK8hn7y1UsJnItO4J3sem8cPldB9HBLcV39iF30elmDklB0NCBm6P9gc",
"isDefault": true
do not show paymnet methode admin side place order
if you place order from admin side but this side not show payment methode
Differentiate between payment facilitator merchant and non payment facilitator merchant:
may i know the different of payment facilitator merchant and non payment facilitator merchant ?
[ASK] PayMaya user account invalid password
PayMaya User Account
WooCommerce recurring payments
Is there a way to configure/implement recurring payments in WP woocommerce?
How to reduce website rediret url
Hi Team,
Expired card duration
Hello may if i can set the duration time of expired cards when create cards is not valid?