Quickstart on Cash In via Money Movement

Explore Add Money sandbox APIs

Obtaining a Sandbox API key

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ℹ️ Contact your Maya Relationship Manager to acquire the complete list of required documents and forms.


ℹ️ Pre-requisite: You have been onboarded to Maya business via your Relationship Manager

Submit the following to your Maya Relationship Manager:

  1. Accomplished Vendor Security Questionnaire (when required).
  2. Your Public GPG Key. Don't have GPG keys yet? Learn how.
  3. Email address of the nominated recipient of the API Keys.
  4. Email address of the nominated recipient of the MDTR.
  5. Client Name (to appear in the Transaction Receipt or Maya’s Activity List and SMS or push notifications).
  6. Redirect URL in Sandbox and Production (required for Transfer Funds to Maya solution only).
  7. Brand Logos (required for Add Money using Cash In Code solution only).
  8. Maximum and Minimum Amount
  9. UX, Consumer Journey or high level data flow (that would help us understand how your system works). See sample below:


Check out the references provided:

  1. Solution Kits, including:
    • API specification
    • API requirement
    • FAQs
  2. Supporting articles
  3. Technical Overview / Walkthrough


Receive the credentials and API keys from Maya:
Credentials and keys will be received via an encrypted email. You should be able to decrypt it using your public and private GPG keys. Learn how


Perform integration testing:

  1. Use the acquired Sandbox credentials and API keys from Maya.

Perform user acceptance testing:

  1. UAT Test Cases will be provided during onboarding to guide you on your UAT activities.
  2. Once all test cases are accounted for, you may notify your Maya Relations Manager to proceed with the production Go Live.

ℹ️ For any concerns or issues arises at this stage, do not hesitate to contact our Developer Relations at developerrelations@maya.ph for support.

Go Live

After testing the integration in our sandbox environment, it is time to move to Production.

🔔 New credentials and keys will be provided for Production.
It will be received via an encrypted email from Maya. You may decrypt it using your public/private GPG keys. Learn how

Authenticating your API call

Once you have your account's API key or choose to use our sandbox API keys, you will have to use those keys to try out the APIs in this reference page.

Our API is using Basic authentication which uses an API key. Once you have that key, you can fill it in the username field found on the right-navigation of the API endpoint that you want to try.

The API key will be encoded using Base64 and inserted on to the HTTP Authorization header.


Sample base64 encoded authorization header

Your first API call

Once you have filled in your API key as instructed above, you can try out an Add Money sandbox endpoints. Please make sure that you provide the data on the required fields.