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Information system

can i ask what is the Information system of maya?

How to generate a private sandbox api key in maya?

Can I generate a private api key as sandbox ? or for production only ?

Parameter Update: Lost Transaction History

Good day! Our Maya Terminal prompted that we need to update our parameters at the middle of our shift. After updating, the card transactions made prior to the update are no longer listed in the transaction history. Will the amount be automatically settled? Hoping for your prompt response. Thank you!

Webhook can't be configured

We can’t generate test keys, configure webhook, talk less of switching to live We can’t generate test keys, configure webhook, talk less of switching to live

API limitations

Hi can I use this api to develop fintech apps?

What is the issue with this checkout request?

It says one or more fields are invalid, but I don't see what the issue is? Can we investigate this checkout id? { "id": "8d3ce340-b8d0-4ab3-bdd6-640273d31fda", "items": null, "metadata": null, "requestReferenceNumber": "GC-2023102300017161", "receiptNumber": "46e3cdc4-b08a-4d5e-9c61-18178c094745", "createdAt": "2023-10-23T02:20:01.000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-10-23T02:20:44.000Z", "paymentScheme": "master-card", "expressCheckout": true, "refundedAmount": "0", "canPayPal": false, "expiredAt": "2023-10-23T03:20:01.000Z", "status": "COMPLETED", "paymentStatus": "PAYMENT_FAILED", "paymentDetails": { "responses": { "efs": { "unhandledError": \[ { "logref": "46e3cdc4-b08a-4d5e-9c61-18178c094745", "code": 2593, "message": "[2593] Request contains one or more invalid fields", "receiptNo": "18178c094745", "links": [ { "rel": "help", "href": "" } ] } ] } }, "paymentAt": null, "3ds": false }, "buyer": { "contact": { "email": "[&](mailto:[email protected])", "phone": "0&&&796703" }, "firstName": "\*\*\*\*", "lastName": "&&&&", "billingAddress": { "line1": "TEST ORDER ONLY DO NOT DELIVER", "city": "CITY FOR ", "countryCode": "PH" }, "shippingAddress": { "line1": "TEST ORDER ONLY DO NOT DELIVER", "city": "CITY FOR ", "countryCode": "PH" } }, replaced some details with generic text. ``` ```

Fee for a completed transaction for maya checkout

is there a fee if user pay using maya in the checkout? only gcash has a fee of 2% right?

Maya Checkout Going Production unauthorized

I am having trouble integrating Maya Checkout into production. I already tested my code using the Sandbox and it is working as expected. But when I update the URL to the production URL: <> I am now getting an unauthorized response: <> I already created an API key for Maya Checkout (using Business Manager 2.0) and selected the platform as my own website (<>). I tried both API and Secret Key (base64 encoded) but getting the same error message.

Maya Disbursement API

I'm trying the disbursement API using the example api key, example wallet ID, and sample CSV file for recipients and amount but I always get this error: FetchError: request to <> failed, reason: connect ETIMEDOUT How can I resolve this issue?

No receive deposit paymaya money refund

Pls refund paymaya money deposit wjpeso account