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sir how to re-obtain E-receipt for PRC exam application thru paymaya-mastercard channe

While I was inputting an email address or contact number for the online receipt, my internet suddenly lost, and I have no able to input said information on time. How to re-retrieve said online receipt of said transaction?

A transaction has a [PY0100] Authentication failed. code but it's still tagged as "Pending"

Is there a way to tag this transaction as Failed or Expired so it will also reflect as still pending on my customer's bank account?

Creating a webhook using the sandbox

I'm getting an "Invalid endpoint" error whenever I try to create a webhook. Here's a snippet of the message: POST <`> resulted in a '401 Unauthorized\` response: {"error":"Invalid endpoint. ...' Do I need to do this from within the Business Manager?

Maya checkout Shopify plug in only works in PHP currency

Hi i would like my customers to pay in multicurrency or their local currency but mainly USD and i don't want my store and checkout page to only accept PHP. Tried changing my store to USD currency but it doesn't work and maya checkout only works in PHP. How can i resolve this?

"Please scan a valid QR Ph code" Error

Have there been any recent changes or updates with scanning Dynamic QR in the maya app? Scanned a Dynamic QR but receiving an error "Please scan a valid QR Ph code" The dynamic QR was generated from this API: <> Exmaple body of the Dynamic QR: "{\"m\":{\"n\":\"Dev Portal Sandbox Pay By PayMaya PF Merchant\"},\"t\":{\"p\":\"531a26a8-68ee-464e-b3ef-923160f4af33\",\"a\":\"1\"}}" Maya App Version: 2.99.0 Thank you

SSS Contribution

When paying SSS Contribution in Maya Business, what should I put in the 'Account Number'? Is it the Account Number of the SSS or the Payment Reference Number?


Does paymaya transaction expiration date.?

Encountered the Kotlin Serialization crash while using the v2.0.1 in Android DSL

``` // Kotlin Base Setup Project implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.0.1") ``` While using the kotlin serialization version 1.8.10, I have to exclude the Kotlin serialization from maya SDK provded on github due the conflict of duplicacy. ``` //Pay Maya implementation ("com.github.paymaya:paymaya-android-sdk-v2:v2.1.0"){ exclude(group = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx", module = "kotlinx-serialization-runtime") } ``` When I excluded the serialization the error occurs while intstantiating the sdk . ``` java.lang.InstantiationError: kotlinx.serialization.json.Json at ``` I would also recommend maya to create a stable git repo for compose platform, since Compose is now a part of Default android configurations. Passing the activity as context and using the startCheckoutActivityForResult is not a optimum feasible solution.

Maya deposit

I cant access or view my maya deposit, why? I need to access it because I need to transfer money to my other bank account

We encountered a crash while using Maya V2.1.0 Android SDK.

Maya SDK uses an outdated Kotlin API, which conflicts with other SDK versions in our project (such as Google Map, Firebase, and the Kotlin API version used). The SDK link we retrieved: com. github. paymaya: paymaya android sdk v2:2.1.0(GitHub - PayMaya/PayMaya-Android-SDK-v2) Crash code val checkoutClient = PayMayaCheckout.newBuilder() .clientPublicKey("pk-NCLk7JeDbX1m22ZRMDYO9bEPowNWT5J4aNIKIbcTy2a") .environment(PayMayaEnvironment.SANDBOX) .logLevel(LogLevel.WARN) .build()