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Differentiate between payment facilitator merchant and non payment facilitator merchant:

hi,, may i know the different of payment facilitator merchant and non payment facilitator merchant ?

WooCommerce recurring payments

Is there a way to configure/implement recurring payments in WP woocommerce?

How to reduce website rediret url

Hi Team, After completing a payment, it takes around 10 sec in redirecting to my website page. How can I reduce that time? Please share the doc link. Thank you.

Expired card duration

Hello may if i can set the duration time of expired cards when create cards is not valid?

when i use sandbox public and secret it works. but actual public and secret key does not

i get this message. do i need to do anything to the key? i use json with user : password. or should i use base64? array(3) { ["error"]=> string(86) "Invalid authentication credentials. Kindly verify if the key you are using is correct." ["code"]=> string(4) "K003" ["reference"]=> string(36) "969478ac-bb95-4595-aac7-e1164fa8a354" }

Checkout Payload

How to send a payload for checkout that would only allow E-wallet payments, as well as payload for checkout only allowing Debit/Credit card payments?

Payment Checkout

I tried create a checkout in sandbox but all mock cards are not working, and I notice in your checkout page, this endpoint `POST:` always fail with error code 400. I also tried using sandbox public API's but still the same.

Register Account Api is not working

Can anyone give me the documentation for this api? I cannot find one is this still supported.

MAYA Checkout

How to enable E-Wallet payment in maya checkout