Developer Discussions
What are the refund and cancel expiry times for PayMaya QR Transactions?
Based on, you can refund a QR transaction on or before 180 days. For cancelling a QR transaction, I'm not sure the exact timespan you can cancel. Can you verify the timespans for refunding and cancelling a QR transaction? Thanks
Posted by Dale almost 3 years ago
What are the possible values of "status" field of Refund Payment via ID API?
So far what I'm seeing is "SUCCESS" value
Posted by Dale almost 3 years ago
Can you only void a QR transaction if its status is PAYMENT_SUCCESS?
I'm using "Wallet Payment - Create Single Payment" API to create a QR Transaction. I tried to void a PENDING_TOKEN transaction, but it says that "Payment is not available for void."
Posted by Dale almost 3 years ago
Transaction cannot be processed. Cannot refund a transaction before cut off time
How long would it take to process the refund
Posted by Sadawaf almost 3 years ago