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Im using the correct token and API but my shopify store still wont check out

Im using the correct token and API but my shopify store still wont check out - I tried testing out under maya business page but error is still 404 i need help reconfiguring ASAP

My cusotmers cant check out on shopify

I tried doing a test it says error 404 token not found

Modules for Perfex CRM

Another than woo commerce Plug in is there module for Perfex CRM

SandBox Test Cards Always Auth Failed

Maya ID 3d000df1-ec0a-4c6c-a7ed-129f1c62bdfb Reference Number ST-DAAB03 Date 12/11/22 12:26 AM Amount PHP 2,048.00 3DS Status FAILED Status AUTH_FAILED Error Codes and Message [PY0100] Authentication failed. Payment Method

is there an api for making bill payments?

I did a quick read of the documentation, it seems the api only provide solution for accepted payments instead of making payments. I have many bills payment transactions and I want to automate them, is there an api for making payments? if yes, may I ask for the link of the documentation of that?

How can we reduce the website redirect time after payment confirmation

Hi Team, I have a request related to reducing the redirect time. After payment confirmation, currently, my website is taking 10 seconds of time in redirecting to the site. How can we reduce that time to 2sec or 0 sec? I am using this checkout URL for sandbox - Kindly assist me with this. Thank you

Testing Wallet Payment is always returning "FAILED"

Hi, can anyone to check this test number : Username: 09193890579 Password: Password@1 OTP: 123456 i always getting failed when use it.. any other number testing ?

[ASK] What is the differentiate between single payment and recurring payment ??

[ASK] What is the differentiate between single payment and recurring payment ?? and what's the use cases ?

Create Card of Customer returning Token is invalid.

curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'authorization: Basic c2stTk1kYTYwN0ZlWk5HUnQ5eENkc0lSaVo0THF1NkxUODk4SXRIYk40cVBTZTo=' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "redirectUrl": { "success": "", "failure": "", "cancel": "" }, "paymentTokenId": "xJvxVEQjqla9aQZQmkgNqJaWXIxa0ToPpFZwoIsGhpHgCWZ0w9CGIJ0Xcj8Vo89MTCYjz2TteMclZcPkJwMlfwsvk3CNBx3ursibTXU8amzlbD5MBbK8hn7y1UsJnItO4J3sem8cPldB9HBLcV39iF30elmDklB0NCBm6P9gc", "isDefault": true } ' Response { "code": "PY0008", "message": "Token is invalid." }

do not show paymnet methode admin side place order

if you place order from admin side but this side not show payment methode