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Checkout failing.

Last successful transaction is 10:03AM earlier.


I am unable to access Maya Business Manager 1.0. Maya checkout is also failing! Both are returning an error message "504 Gateway Time-out". What is happening??

Is it possible to Tokenize card information without redirecting to a verificationUrl?

The [Create Payment Token API]( requires card information, and returns a Payment Token ID. Afterwards, pass the Payment Token ID to [Create Payment API](, which then returns a response with a `verificationUrl`. The customer needs to open the URL in the browser before being able to transact. Is it possible to Tokenize card information without redirecting to the verificationUrl?

On Demand Payments Using a Vaulted Card API Error 503

Good Day, the card vaulting sandbox api doesn't work. It always returns 503. When is this going to work? Endpoint: <html><head><title>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</title></head><body> <center><h1>503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1></center> </body></html>

Invalid key scope. Please check the provided key's scopes.

Hi Good Day, I Have Problem Encounter When I Used your public key they run success but when we create our own account in sandox they always error ( Invalid key scope. Please check the provided key's scopes.) show. Host : (This url I used for my sandbox account)

k003 error

Payamaya checkout request giving invalid credentials issue when i try with public key on Flutter App. That public key is working perfectly fine when I am using with java script SDK

k003 error

Payamaya checkout request giving invalid credentials issue when i try with public key on Flutter App. That public key is working perfectly fine when I am using with java script SDK

Webhook Payload incorrect json format

I'm currently trying to get the response from webhook after successful/failed payment but it seems the response payload are incorrect in format. The json string specifically in item list is missing a curly brace.

Applying for Public and Secret Production Keys

Good Day, May I ask how can we get our keys for production. We are almost done with our development.

The transaction went from PAYMENT_SUCCESS to PAYMENT_EXPIRED?

Hi, The transaction went PAYMENT_SUCCESS at 01/05/23 02:17 PM to PAYMENT_EXPIRED at 01/05/23 02:59 PM? Can reference number be the same but unique maya id? I have transactions which have same reference number different maya id. The card was charged. Thank you and regards,