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How can we reduce the website redirect time after payment confirmation

Hi Team, I have a request related to reducing the redirect time. After payment confirmation, currently, my website is taking 10 seconds of time in redirecting to the site. How can we reduce that time to 2sec or 0 sec? I am using this checkout URL for sandbox - Kindly assist me with this. Thank you

Testing Wallet Payment is always returning "FAILED"

Hi, can anyone to check this test number : Username: 09193890579 Password: Password@1 OTP: 123456 i always getting failed when use it.. any other number testing ?

[ASK] What is the differentiate between single payment and recurring payment ??

[ASK] What is the differentiate between single payment and recurring payment ?? and what's the use cases ?

Create Card of Customer returning Token is invalid.

curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'authorization: Basic c2stTk1kYTYwN0ZlWk5HUnQ5eENkc0lSaVo0THF1NkxUODk4SXRIYk40cVBTZTo=' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "redirectUrl": { "success": "", "failure": "", "cancel": "" }, "paymentTokenId": "xJvxVEQjqla9aQZQmkgNqJaWXIxa0ToPpFZwoIsGhpHgCWZ0w9CGIJ0Xcj8Vo89MTCYjz2TteMclZcPkJwMlfwsvk3CNBx3ursibTXU8amzlbD5MBbK8hn7y1UsJnItO4J3sem8cPldB9HBLcV39iF30elmDklB0NCBm6P9gc", "isDefault": true } ' Response { "code": "PY0008", "message": "Token is invalid." }

do not show paymnet methode admin side place order

if you place order from admin side but this side not show payment methode

Expired card duration

Hello may if i can set the duration time of expired cards when create cards is not valid?

webhook not working in UAT Environment

Webhook works on our dev environment However in UAT which has a WAF, the webhook is not working and we are unable to update the transaction as paid because of the dependency in the webhook endpoint is accessible publicly thru the web. SSL certificate is not self signed we have ask the administrators to whitelist the sandbox What needs to be done on the infra level to make it work?

Maya E-Wallet/QR payment

I want to use the same UI that Debit/Credit payment which includes Payment Details breakdown, for Maya E-Wallet/QR Payment. How can I do that? Followed this documentation, but my E-Wallet/QR Payment doesn't have fee breakdown


Using credit card payment in one time payment, do we really need to request for basic user information? I am using it on reservation payment. Also am I using the correct payment system for reservation or do you have any recommendations. Thanks