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hello may i know what is MID MEANS in settlement receipt ?

How can I get the public key and secret key

Thank you for assistance

Refund Period

According to this [Maya Developers documentation for refunds]( for refunds: "You may still process refunds if the transactions are within 180 days from the transaction date. Transactions beyond 180 days but are within 1 year can be processed manually." but in [P3 documentation for refunds]( "PayMaya P3 retains transactions only up to a period of 90 days in its Sandbox environment and 390 days in its Production environment." Which one is accurate for Sandbox and Production environments?

Maya and instapay

Does mayacan provide api for checking order status of instapay by using instapay

Issue: problem on testing my own public api key

Issues on: <> I have generated my API secret and public at **Maya Business Dashboard - Checkout & Invoicing** So I cloned this project and see that you only use the Public Key so what i did is to test it out with my own public key, However it is giving me this kind of error in the console and won't let me proceed. **From URL:** <> ```json json { "error": "Invalid authentication credentials. Kindly verify if the key you are using is correct.", "code": "K003", "reference": "bdd5260f-f7ef-42a0-9472-dcdf757f6a35" } ``` I wonder why the project redirecting me to v1 instead of v2 everytime i use my public key but if i keep the default or the project sample public key it is redirecting to this link: <> Also this page doesn't exist <> **Screenshots:** - <> - <> **Raised Issue:** <>

Metadata property in payload for linking customerId and paymentTokenId

Hi, Just wanted to clarify if we could put any key/value pair in metadata object and still be returned in the webhook's posted data for any events? Thanks in advance.


Hello, I have a question about your sandbox API at <>. I'm encountering an issue when attempting to post a request as I'm receiving the error message "{ "code": "1200", "message": "Invalid credentials" }" in the response. Could you please advise me on how to resolve this issue? Thank you. Below is the sample CURL. curl --location '<>' --header 'Authorization: eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJwaGlsc3RvY2tzIiwiYXpwIjoicGhpbHN0b2NrcyIsInNjb3BlIjoiYWRkX21vbmV5IGFkZHJlc3MgYmFsYW5jZSBwaG9uZSBvcGVuaWQgcHJvZmlsZSBwdXJjaGFzZSBlbWFpbCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC9jb25uZWN0LXNiLWlzc3VpbmcucGF5bWF5YS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE2ODMxODI0MDYsImlhdCI6MTY4MzE3ODgwNiwianRpIjoiZDNhZjc0YmEtYTg1Zi00MTZmLWIyMjQtMDJkMTY2YzAyMGQ1In0.A8165xVwGgGJ9cPCcQXZXQxd0rcHZxV3gL_Y8u30jTaSGnl0QHQxQ8SQgDIsLJgU4K0_zE1yJnGIxe00qySvqwHCH60aCAZOFRL_yW6tOxUzpyQfXnUJf2ihAHWhi2ARlMzWnkFrsqcd0Y9QIxSfR06wfiwg2ZrmWb6cKiNYMvKNiJdCznq2i6PbnQBjzZPosMaXfN5QOT9L_XMDayj8-KGiU6DxmuDeIP5Pl0UyZTtR2XpJQmzvjDaTQOjWhwU2PoXE-bijAV-bAgYFR0w_17-DtvpOW5Pg_QsgWOxyLevABPBXd7zwxWgFgvQN_6fk7UPP0hAvWL8lPh3gtK-jrQ' --header 'X-Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUCIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00ifQ.PbyAibo0Ewgv3U5KU8FG7Ah4zwTXfiecXCkJ7LmKAvN_Hg3HBVwhy1HFun2Qma3HHbmUg6DgJbqbD87uGYdNG33ilFsjOObcE3WFiua4YZQyrlz0SaXBVBjFYTmkYQs3AQYVRmQsO3bAxcgRSwHio2g73oaDx2vYCYxnIJh4VmJhZJCe63Eq2QEODDs3oOcoqmuALclgIZ3SRfF-7pDEeQoC1brnDqdogqOy4u4FCr3CRiGTR20Tes4u-fB6Ki3oMKGDiFohBV0JwiXHhIgT56XznndclNDMnSab11RKfUbrJd_PONQDe8SWu2FGx3GVI7KKllJ3RXzOyCE7W7km4g.MYKVHyn3u-DuEVuG.MdAqkxrq6EFWu27d_UrX4NpRW8dv8W9bLJFmapHxXqp4GqfKcfxcXscdJ68s2nEa2tm0v2TTaIwb3qOOPHV7OL45XYEMN2CTpzirEe9PNQJlG3YEcyjyKt7pnkiEoW9ndXx6FwmH6XB-k6afPpg8hQTB3Eu4CFjIFR-0YrnmZdngFKjx8QMhBw5ykX5ctHyy1bNxQS-g36_P-xvMIDNsaf8BkEO-pPsmhEWiBBm9tSBJ.F7i56ipZSFTiimJB26_Uww' --header 'Request-Reference-No: 6320a65f-243d-4876-95fa-a8184c72f161' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "p2mId": "sk-MotBvmGNhGwe8NE6R1K24TYHp9xYsR2Jk6IfvQS4B5u", "amount": { "currency": "PHP", "value": 5 } }'

Money movement (transfers) error

Hello, I have a question about your sandbox API at <>. I'm encountering an issue when attempting to post a request as I'm receiving the error message "Invalid key!" in the response. Could you please advise me on how to resolve this issue? below is the sample CURL. curl --location '<>' --header 'Authorization: OUR_TOKEN' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{ "amount": { "currency": "Php", "value": 100 }, "note": "sample note", "recipient": { "type": "TOKEN", "value": "CLIENT_TOKEN" } }' Thank you.

Sanbox test card always AUTH FAILED

AUTH_FAILED Error Codes and Message [PY0100] Authentication failed.

Paymaya Unavailable since last weekend

Is Paymaya Unavailable since last weekend? <> this seems not working