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I want to refund sent money from a store site, please i need help to get back my money , i hope maya will cooperate with my request, the store didn't want to return my top up money and they want me to top up again to get fully withdraw my money.😭 All my savings are use to it , just 50%- 70% cash refund is enough for me ,just to make sure that my top up amount cash will return to me.

Invalid Token

Hi, I'm trying to create a customer using secret key with our own api sandbox key, but I'm getting Forbidden response message with PY0019 code. The scope of the key is Checkout and Payment Vault

Subscription API

Hi, How does maya still support subscriptions api?

Webhook endpoints can be called by anyone?

Hi, how can I secure that actually the caller of the webhook endpoint is PayMaya? Do you send some secret key as a header? Other payment providers usually sign the data or use something else to prove that the data is send actually by PayMaya.

How do I get my credentials for production?

I have recently emailed maya support and I requested for my credentials for production since I am done with integrating maya with my online shop. I successfully transacted in sandbox and my webhooks are status 200. I have received this message from an email but I cant find it. "the credentials has been sent to you by our Operations Fulfillment team". Where do I find my production credentials?

I try to create customer and I get this error.

**NOTE**: Already try different Key from this <> **Request:** ```javascript const options = { method: 'POST', headers: { accept: 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json', authorization: 'Basic cGstZW80c0wzOTNDV1U1S212ZUpVYVc4VjczMFRUZWkyelk4ekU0ZEhKRHhrRjpzay1LZm1mTEpYRmRWNXQxaW5ZTjhsSU93U3J1ZUMxRzI3U0NBa2xCcVlDZHJV' }, body: JSON.stringify({ firstName: 'Maya', middleName: 'Jose', lastName: 'Juan', birthday: '1987-07-28', sex: 'F', contact: {phone: '+63(2)1234567890', email: '[email protected]'}, billingAddress: { line1: '6F Launchpad', line2: 'Sheridan Street', city: 'Mandaluyong City', state: 'Metro Manila', zipCode: '1552', countryCode: 'PH' }, shippingAddress: { firstName: 'Maya', middleName: 'Jose', lastName: 'Juan', line1: '6F Launchpad', line2: 'Sheridan Street', city: 'Mandaluyong City', state: 'Metro Manila', zipCode: '1552', countryCode: 'PH', phone: '+63(2)1234567890', email: '[email protected]', shippingType: 'ST' }, customerSince: '2020-12-25' }) }; fetch('<'>, options) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => console.log(response)) .catch(err => console.error(err)); ``` **Response** ```json } "error": "Invalid endpoint. Please check if you are accessing the correct endpoint/resource.", "code": "K004", "reference": "8d905b2d-e0d3-41fc-ba86-b414e03a345f" } ```

Invalid authentication credentials. Kindly verify if the key you are using is correct

Im trying maya checkout <> but error using this credentials Username: 09193890579 Password: Password@1 OTP: 123456

No Gcash Payment Option on the Invoice Payment Link

![]( Weve created an invoice in the Maya Business Manage, however, the Gcash option is missing in the E-Wallet payments. How can we enable that?

Void reversal

Good day. Is it possible to reverse a voided payment? Was accidentally clicked while exploring the terminal only.

Credit Card and GCash

Hi, is there a way that we can only pay using GCash only with showing the credit card form ? and a way to pay only using Credit Card without showing e-wallets ?