Member File Specifications

Special characters such as “+, =, -, @” on the beginning of any field is NOT accepted. Exception to the plus (+) sign in the mobile number.
Field Name | Description | Attribute (character limit) | Sample Value | M/O/C |
Mobile Number | Mobile number of the consumer. This will be the username of the account in the Maya app. | NS (13) | Strict Format: +639xxxxxxxxx +639471234567 | M |
Email Address | E-mail of the consumer. The reset password for the consumer account will be sent to this email. | ANS (255) | | O |
First Name | First name of the consumer. | AS (1-30), special characters allowed are Ñ, ñ, . (period) and (space) | Juan | M |
Middle Name | Middle name of the consumer. | AS (1-30), special characters allowed are Ñ, ñ, . (period) and (space) | Dela | O |
Last Name | Last name of the consumer. | AS (1-30), special characters allowed are Ñ, ñ, . (period) and (space) | Cruz | M |
Date of Birth | Birthdate of the consumer. | NS (10) | Strict Format: YYYY-MM-DD 2011-12-25 | M |
Place of Birth City | City of birth of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Quezon City | M |
Place of Birth Country | Country of birth of the consumer. | A (2) | Strict Format: ISO 3166-2 Country Codes PH | M |
Nationality | Nationality of the consumer. | A (2) | Strict Format: ISO 3166-2 Country Codes PH | M |
Present Address Line 1 | Present address – line 1 of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | 8 Neptune St. | M |
Present Address Line 2 | Present address – line 2 of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Sunny Side Heights Subd. | O |
Present Address Barangay | Present address – locality of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Brgy. Batasan Hills | M |
Present Address City | Present address – city of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Quezon City | M |
Present Address Province | Present address – state of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Metro Manila | M |
Present Address Zip Code | Present address – zip code of the consumer. | N (4-10) | 1126 | M |
Present Address Country | Present address – country of the consumer. | A (2) | Strict Format: ISO 3166-2 Country Codes PH | M |
Permanent Address Line 1 | Permanent address – line 1 of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | 11432 Sampaguita St. | M |
Permanent Address Line 2 | Permanent address – line 2 of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Concepcion Subd. | O |
Permanent Address Barangay | Permanent address – locality of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Brgy. Concepcion | M |
Permanent Address City | Permanent address – city of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Baliuag | M |
Permanent Address Province | Permanent address – state of the consumer. | ANS (1-30), selected special characters are Ñ, ñ, . (period), (space), # (hash), - (dash) | Bulacan | M |
Permanent Address Zip Code | Permanent address – zip code of the consumer. | N (4-10) | 3006 | M |
Permanent Address Country | Permanent address – country of the consumer. | A (2) | Strict Format: ISO 3166-2 Country Codes PH | M |
Social Security Number | Social security number of the consumer. Required if TIN is blank. | N (10-11) | 1234567890 | C |
Taxpayer Identification Number | Taxpayer identification number (TIN) of the consumer. Required if social security number is blank. | N (9-12) | 123456789012 | C |
Nature of Work | Work nature of the consumer. | ANS (1-255) | Valid values | M |
Source of Income | Income source of the consumer. | ANS (1-255) | Valid values | M |
Employer | Employment detail of the consumer. Required if Income Source value is ‘Employment’ or ‘Business’, or if Work Nature value is ‘Owner of Business (SME) / Self Employed’ | ANS (1-255) | Working at Maya | C |
Valid Values for Nature of Work
- In Private Corp Employee (Contractual/Casual)
- Private Corp Employee (Top Mgmt)
- Private Corp Employee (Middle Mgmt)
- Private Corp Employee - Top 12000 Corp (Rank & File)
- Private Corp Employee - Non-top Corp (Rank & File)
- Gov't Employee (Elected Officials)
- Gov't Employee (Top Mgmt e.g. Dept Head and Gen)
- Gov't Employee (Rank & File)
- Gov't Low Ranking Uniformed Employee (e.g. PO1 and JO1)
- Owner of Business (SME) / Self Employed
- SME Employee
- Religious Org and NGO Employee
- Religious Org Member (e.g. Priest and Pastor)
- Gov't Employee (Casual/Co-terminus)
- Housewife/Househusband/Dependent
- Retiree
- Freelance (e.g. Writer and Buy & Sell)
- Professional Practitioner (e.g. Doctors and Engineers)
- Student
- Others