Developer Discussions
Maya deposit
I cant access or view my maya deposit, why? I need to access it because I need to transfer money to my other bank account
We encountered a crash while using Maya V2.1.0 Android SDK.
Maya SDK uses an outdated Kotlin API, which conflicts with other SDK versions in our project (such as Google Map, Firebase, and the Kotlin API version used).
The SDK link we retrieved: com. github. paymaya: paymaya android sdk v2:2.1.0(GitHub - PayMaya/PayMaya-Android-SDK-v2)
Invalid Request
Hi, Im currently developing a payment paymaya integration via PHP cURL in WordPress, Im able to see the POST Request on the dev tools however when I try to open the ''
note that Im able to open the payamaya checkout URL in less than 30secs.
Past transactions
How to reprint merchant copy of transactions last month
Keep Getting 'Invalid Endpoint' while retriving the webhook from localhost
I am using laravel application for integration. For calling api i am using the Http client laravel.
Does P3 support e-wallets?
I'm currently doing a payment integration and have checked out the Maya Checkout API and Vault API, and confirmed that there's no Refund API for Checkout API, still awaiting response if Vault API refunds only is only available via the Maya Manager Dashboard.
Refunding Online Payment - Checkout / Card Payments
I only see the P3 Refund API, is it the same API for Checkout / Card Payments?
Disbursement API Rate Limits and Webhooks/Callbacks
I read that Maya enforces rate limiting on its endpoints, but I don't see the exact # for how many request the Disbursement API can handle.
"Error processing checkout" error when using live API keys