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create a developer account

Hi. I want to create a developer account. I have a client who has maya business account, and i want to create for him a checkout for his ecommerce site. I cannot find the sign-up page for developer.

Experiencing Invalid Request link

Each time I submit card details upon checkout using my sandbox environment, it returns an error response:

How to Enable QRPh Permission for My MayaPay API Key?

I am currently integrating MayaPay API, but I noticed that my API key does not have QRPh (QR Payment Handler) permission. When I try to make a request, I receive a {
"code": "PY0019",
"message": "Forbidden."

No webhook request received after checkout

After succeeding checkout, we don't get webhook.

cant login to maya 1.0 for sandbox

i have account in business manager 2.0and paymaya but when i login to sandbox it doenst recognize me

API Keys

Good day maya,