Developer Discussions
Check Disbursement result
How can we check the result of a disbursement?
Duplicate or double sending of Disbursement File
What happens if Execute Disbursement File is called multiple times, will that result in duplicate or double sending of disbursements?
Existing Maya account for Payout
What happens if a member already has a Maya Consumer account, will a new account be created for him?
Invite a member requirement
Why is there a need to invite a member/beneficiary for Payout disbursement process?
Payout 1.0 Session Validity
How long is the validity of a session?
Invalid authentication credentials using Live API Keys
Hi, why does when we are using Live API Keys we are having "Error processing checkout. Please try again." error? If I check the logs it says:
Public vs Secret API Keys
What are public-facing and secret API keys?
Securing API keys
What if other parties receive my public-facing and secret API keys?
Are refunds given for cancelled transactions?
Example API is "Void Payment via ID" API (