Developer Discussions
How do i test my webhook?
I want to test my Webhook when transaction is success, cancelled, and failed. How do I do this?
I am having trouble authenticating with maya checkout. Help me.
I got this public key "pk-redacted" from the provided sandbox API keys.
"message": "Account limit exceeded."
Account Limit exceeded for testing. How do we fix this?
Back to merchant Production Missing
Back to merchant button is missing upon filling up details of user/credit card information. On production url and builds.
Bad Gateway
Around 10APR2023 at 630PM, Bad Gateway when opening checkout link. As of 08:21PM, checkout link is returning "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500". Please update what's happening.
Web Assets 404
Gettting 404 error on
error code: K007
hello ,when I use public_key to test create checkout:
curl --request POST
--header 'accept: application/json'
--header 'authorization: Basic cGstRlpYSnFnYVpmNFBRZjJ2OWlJMDRkUk9sM2xPMmlVQ1hUeGlpS2M3aVFNRzo='
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '
"totalAmount": {
"value": 1000,
"currency": "PHP"
"requestReferenceNumber": "5fc10b93-bdbd-4f31-b31d-4575a3785009"
Voiding a successful payment transaction via API
Hello Maya Team,
Does Maya business webflow integration?
Does Maya business webflow integration?
MWP016 Payment Vault Error
MWP016 Payment Vault Error