Developer Discussions
How can we reduce the website redirect time after payment confirmation
Hi Team,
Testing Wallet Payment is always returning "FAILED"
Hi, can anyone to check this test number :
Username: 09193890579
Password: Password@1
OTP: 123456
[ASK] What is the differentiate between single payment and recurring payment ??
[ASK] What is the differentiate between single payment and recurring payment ?? and what's the use cases ?
Create Card of Customer returning Token is invalid.
curl --request POST
--header 'accept: application/json'
--header 'authorization: Basic c2stTk1kYTYwN0ZlWk5HUnQ5eENkc0lSaVo0THF1NkxUODk4SXRIYk40cVBTZTo='
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--data '
"redirectUrl": {
"success": "",
"failure": "",
"cancel": ""
"paymentTokenId": "xJvxVEQjqla9aQZQmkgNqJaWXIxa0ToPpFZwoIsGhpHgCWZ0w9CGIJ0Xcj8Vo89MTCYjz2TteMclZcPkJwMlfwsvk3CNBx3ursibTXU8amzlbD5MBbK8hn7y1UsJnItO4J3sem8cPldB9HBLcV39iF30elmDklB0NCBm6P9gc",
"isDefault": true
do not show paymnet methode admin side place order
if you place order from admin side but this side not show payment methode
Expired card duration
Hello may if i can set the duration time of expired cards when create cards is not valid?
webhook not working in UAT Environment
Webhook works on our dev environment
Maya E-Wallet/QR payment
I want to use the same UI that Debit/Credit payment which includes Payment Details breakdown, for Maya E-Wallet/QR Payment. How can I do that?
Using credit card payment in one time payment, do we really need to request for basic user information? I am using it on reservation payment. Also am I using the correct payment system for reservation or do you have any recommendations. Thanks
Create a payment token
Can you help me on this one for Swift.