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"Error processing checkout" error when using live API keys


I just got our live API keys but whenever I do a test transaction the error "Error processing checkout" appears. This is what appears in our error logs:

2023-12-08T02:13:59+00:00 INFO [Process Payment] Manual capture authorization type none
2023-12-08T02:13:59+00:00 INFO [Process Payment] Payload{"totalAmount":{"value":650,"currency":"PHP","details":{"discount":0,"shippingFee":0,"subtotal":650}},"buyer":

2023-12-08T02:13:59+00:00 INFO [Process Payment][createCheckout] Create Checkout Response Array
[error] =>

2023-12-08T02:13:59+00:00 ERROR [Process Payment][createCheckout] null

The developer mode has been disabled and the API keys have been double checked.

Please assist. Thanks.

Dann Garcia