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I try to create customer and I get this error.

NOTE: Already try different Key from this

const options = {  
  method: 'POST',  
  headers: {  
    accept: 'application/json',  
    'content-type': 'application/json',  
    authorization: 'Basic cGstZW80c0wzOTNDV1U1S212ZUpVYVc4VjczMFRUZWkyelk4ekU0ZEhKRHhrRjpzay1LZm1mTEpYRmRWNXQxaW5ZTjhsSU93U3J1ZUMxRzI3U0NBa2xCcVlDZHJV'  
  body: JSON.stringify({  
    firstName: 'Maya',  
    middleName: 'Jose',  
    lastName: 'Juan',  
    birthday: '1987-07-28',  
    sex: 'F',  
    contact: {phone: '+63(2)1234567890', email: ''},  
    billingAddress: {  
      line1: '6F Launchpad',  
      line2: 'Sheridan Street',  
      city: 'Mandaluyong City',  
      state: 'Metro Manila',  
      zipCode: '1552',  
      countryCode: 'PH'  
    shippingAddress: {  
      firstName: 'Maya',  
      middleName: 'Jose',  
      lastName: 'Juan',  
      line1: '6F Launchpad',  
      line2: 'Sheridan Street',  
      city: 'Mandaluyong City',  
      state: 'Metro Manila',  
      zipCode: '1552',  
      countryCode: 'PH',  
      phone: '+63(2)1234567890',  
      email: '',  
      shippingType: 'ST'  
    customerSince: '2020-12-25'  

fetch('<'>, options)  
  .then(response => response.json())  
  .then(response => console.log(response))  
  .catch(err => console.error(err));


  "error": "Invalid endpoint. Please check if you are accessing the correct endpoint/resource.",  
  "code": "K004",  
  "reference": "8d905b2d-e0d3-41fc-ba86-b414e03a345f"  