Developer Discussions
Void reversal
Good day. Is it possible to reverse a voided payment? Was accidentally clicked while exploring the terminal only.
Voiding a successful payment transaction via API
Hello Maya Team,
Void Transaction
How to void or refund a transaction? On the merchant dashboard on the transaction summary, the void option on the action column is not showing.
Void Transacations
Hello. Would like tp know how to void a transaction on the dashboard? On the transaction summary and the action part - there is Void option is not showing.
reverse settlement
Hi, can we reverse credit card transaction even though it is already settled by the bank?
If so, what is the process?
Transaction was voided in our end but the amount was credited from customers account
Hi, we have a transaction on July 28, 2022 23:09h amounting to 2,062.07. The said transaction was cancelled in our end but the amount was deducted from the consumers account. Can you verify this transaction. Thank you
Are refunds given for cancelled transactions?
Example API is "Void Payment via ID" API (
What are the refund and cancel expiry times for PayMaya QR Transactions?
Based on, you can refund a QR transaction on or before 180 days. For cancelling a QR transaction, I'm not sure the exact timespan you can cancel. Can you verify the timespans for refunding and cancelling a QR transaction? Thanks