Developer Discussions
Transaction Type: MADJT
Hi, does it mean that MADJT transactions are refunded already?
Does P3 support e-wallets?
I'm currently doing a payment integration and have checked out the Maya Checkout API and Vault API, and confirmed that there's no Refund API for Checkout API, still awaiting response if Vault API refunds only is only available via the Maya Manager Dashboard.
Refunding Online Payment - Checkout / Card Payments
I only see the P3 Refund API, is it the same API for Checkout / Card Payments?
Refund Period
According to this Maya Developers documentation for refunds for refunds:
How to Refund a checkout?
Hi there, I'm trying to understand how to refund a checkout but the page in the documentation:
"This API is deprecated. It is advised to use the APIs under the section Refunds."
however when I click the link under Refunds it doesn't lead anywhere.
Can you please advise me which is the current way to refund a checkout?
Thank you!
Void Transaction
How to void or refund a transaction? On the merchant dashboard on the transaction summary, the void option on the action column is not showing.
Void Transacations
Hello. Would like tp know how to void a transaction on the dashboard? On the transaction summary and the action part - there is Void option is not showing.
reverse settlement
Hi, can we reverse credit card transaction even though it is already settled by the bank?
If so, what is the process?